

Modern world is unthinkable without electricity. Quality and reliability standards for electrical equipment are becoming ever more stringent over the years.

ServisMontazhIntegratsiya was founded in 2003 with the intention to satisfy the demand for modern, reliable, high-quality power distribution equipment, automation and drive systems.

We have been an official Siemens Partner for more than 10 years. Since 2005 we are a Siemens technology Partner for Sivacon technology, holding license for manufacture and distribution of Sivacon S8 low-voltage switchgear. Since 2008 we are a certified Siemens Partner for manufacture of SIMOPRIME medium voltage switchgear.


Today OOO ServisMontazhIntegratsiya is one of the largest Russian manufacturers of switchgear equipment and integrator of automation systems and electric drives. Our company has a solid market share and a welldeveloped branch network in Russia. Our branches and subsidiaries: Moscow, Omsk, Libomysl (Czech Republic), Akkol (Kazakhstan), Tashkent and Samarkand (Uzbekistan), Menzelinsk, Buinsk.

in the electricity market
sq. m.
the total production area
equipment in year
completed projects

Our company’s Integrated Management System (IMS) includes quality management system, environmental management system and occupational health and safety management system. In 2016 the IMS is certified as per ISO 9001:2015, МС ISO 14001:2015, МС OHSAS 18001:2007.

Main activities: directions

  • Manufacture of low voltage and medium voltage switchgear equipment.
  • Engineering and system integration, PCS (process control systems) and SCADA systems.
  • Integrated design of power supply and distribution facilities.
  • Package deliveries of electrical products complete with automated power supply systems for industrial enterprises.
  • Supervised installation of all types of SIEMENS medium voltage panels: SIMOPRIME, NXAIR, NXPLUS C, 8DJH, 8DA10.
  • Installation and commissioning of equipment, electrical installation services.
  • Service maintenance of SIEMENS circuit breakers: 3АН3, 3АН4, 3АН5, 3АЕ1 (SION), 3АЕ5 (SION M), 3WL, 3WA and 3WT8.
  • Tests and measurements of customers electrical equipment and electrical installations up to 220 kV.
  • Energy inspection of facilities, technical reports and recommendations on introduction of energy-saving techniques.
  • Warranty and post-warranty maintenance of delivered equipment.

Products Equipment

Over the years our company has extended and upgraded the main product line:

  • SIVACON S8 and SIVACON 8PT low voltage metal enclosed switchgear
  • SIMOPRIME medium voltage switchgear.
  • SPASSK-89 low voltage metal enclosed switchgear.
  • GUDIRA-5110 medium voltage switchgear.
  • Medium and low voltage power factor correction units.
  • Control Power Cubicles.
  • LV and MV Soft Starters
  • Instrument and PCS switchboards as per customer documentation.
  • Process equipment control stations based on soft starters and VFDs.
  • Relay protection and emergency controls cubicles for 110-750 kV open-type switchgear.
  • Heating control cubicles
Build quality and reliability of our equipment enable us to successfully compete not only on the domestic but also on the international market. All products have conformity certificates in accordance with GOST standards, applicable in Russian Federation, and are warranted.

Milestones Milestones

Поступление запроса
01 Поступление запроса

The request

Назначение руководителя проекта
02 Назначение руководителя проекта

The appointment of a project Manager

Предложение технических решений
03 Предложение технических решений

Offer technical solutions

Подготовка коммерческого предложения
04 Подготовка коммерческого предложения

Preparation of commercial proposals

Заключение договора
05 Заключение договора

The conclusion of the contract

Изготовление оборудования
06 Изготовление оборудования

Manufacture of the equipment

Приемо-сдаточные испытания. Упаковка
07 Приемо-сдаточные испытания. Упаковка

Acceptance tests. Packaging

Доставка оборудования
08 Доставка оборудования

Delivery of equipment

Подписание актов выполненных работ
09 Подписание актов выполненных работ

The signing of acts performed works

Гарантийное и послегарантийное обслуживание
10 Гарантийное и послегарантийное обслуживание

Warranty and post-warranty service

Download documents

Download "ISM policy"

Download "list of events SAUT 2024г. (ООО SMI)"

Download "Summary statement SAUT 2024. (OOO SMI)"

Servismontazhintegratsiya LLC

All rights reserved, 2025