Operation of electrical networks and electrical equipment requires strict observance of tight safety measures. In order to prevent injuries and emergency situiations all generating and consuming equipment should be thoroughly grounded. For this purpose a special system is used in industrial, technical, residential and other buildings the main component of which being the Main Earthing Bus (MEB).
The advantage of the LCMC-2.0 cabinets manufactured by ServisMontazhIntegratsiya LLC is not only the MEB functions performed by the cabinet, but the indication of leakage currents in digital ammeters installed on the cabinet front cover. This cabinet stands out among conventional MEB panels by giving the operating personnel the possibility to swiftly respond to equipment breakdowns thus preventing industrial accidents.
Key difference when connecting LCMC-2.0 is that all outgoing earthing lines to consumers pass through a current transformer and only then are connected to the earthing bus. Moreover, each consumer has its own ammeter and current transformer which provide complete visualization for operating personnel.
More detailed information can be found at the link https://smi.su/product/nizkoe-napryazhenie/shkaf-shkut-2.0/